Monday, February 15, 2010

Movie Clip Monday: Paul Potts First Audition (BGT)

Sadly, they've disabled embedding on this clip, but it's definitely worth watching.

Paul Pott's First Audition on Britain's Got Talent

Every time we watched this when it first came out it would make me and my parents cry. This man is so completely humble, and his voice is amazing for one in his position. Go watch it if you haven't already! :-)


  1. Okay Andrea! I am so proud of you! Now you have to give me tips on a good query letter! And let me know how it all happened. I am in same process you were in, ie. having people read my book and give me feedback and I now have a published author helping me out. We'll see where that goes... =) So help me out! =)

  2. Kathryn! Honestly, I never mastered the query letter. Kind of missed that step - my publishers never read a query letter from me. :-) I was told I had a good one, but it REALLY caused me pain to write, and I only sent it out to a handful of people. :-) I'm going to be adding to my post about query letter writing, but my best advice is to set up an account on Authonomy. Seriously - the writers there are amazing and as you get to know them you'll find people who are willing to help out with queries and synopses, etc. People who know what they're doing. :-)

    Plus, they give AMAZING help on manuscripts. Without them I would never have found my publisher.

    Oh, and it'll take time but I'll be posting the whole process I went through on this blog in increments (as I have time to write). I'll write them with your questions in mind.

    I can't wait for you! This is going to be sooo fun! Let me know if you want more info on Authonomy and I'll help you out as much as you need it. :-) It took a while for me to catch on to how it worked and what its purpose was. :-)
